Become an LLC Sponsor

Do you have a business that could use a little help from the LLC Team?

Do you have a product that needs to reach a larger audience?

Well we here at The Let’s Learn Croatian Pod Cast would love to help you get the word out!

Here’s how it works!

- We record a 30-Second call out for your business, customized to fit your endeavor, performed by the LLC team.

- This call out will play at the beginning of each pod cast for 1 month.

- We will add in an Instagram Social Media Story shout out once a month.

Please use the form below, we’d love to hear from you.

Use the message section and tell us a little bit about what you have in mind and we’ll take it from there.

Please note that some sponsorship proposals may not fit the criteria of the show and we appreciate your time in writing to us. We will do our best to respond to each idea in a timely fashion.